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<英语绘本> 杰克与魔豆Jack and the Beanstalk. PDF+MP3 |
杰克与魔豆 Jack and the Beanstalk 《杰克与魔豆》这篇童话故事,主要讲述了杰克 通过一头奶牛换的魔 豆 所种出巨大的滕蔓爬到巨人国 ,利用智慧从巨人国得到财富的故事。 ![]() 在古老的欧洲,一个家庭里,生活着两母子。 她们生活很艰难,母亲让儿子杰克 去变卖唯一的财产 — — 奶牛。 ![]() 杰克 出门时碰到了一个老人,用五粒豌豆 和他换了奶牛。老人告诉杰克:豌豆有着无与伦比的魔力。 夜里,撒在地上的豌豆长成了豆苗,一直长上了天空,杰克爬上豆苗,发现这是另一个世界。 ![]() 在那里他发现一个巨人 统治着一个巨大的城堡,巨人拥有一只会下金蛋的鹅 ,伴随着旁边的黄金所弹奏竖琴 的美妙音乐中,鹅会生下金蛋。 杰克帮助他的新朋友鹅和黄金竖琴从卑鄙的巨人那里获得自由 ,爬下豆茎。 他迅速地砍倒了藤子以免巨人会在他们后面追过来。“你们自由了,我的朋友,并且将和我和我的妈妈一起快乐地生活!” 杰克说。 ![]() Young lad Jack is told by his mother to sell their family cow, which he trades to a stranger for five magic beans. Upset at this decision, Jack’s mother throws the magic beans out of the window, though they soon thereafter sprout into an enormous beanstalk that leads into a castle in the clouds. In the castle, Jack encounters a giant. Jack decides to take some of the giants' gold to feed his mother and himself. Jack returns to the castle to steal back the treasures and is forced to evacuate when the giant begins to chase him down the beanstalk. Jack cuts down the beanstalk causing the giant to plummet to his death, and his family lives happily ever after. ![]() 本资源含有《杰克与魔豆 Jack and the Beanstalk》英文绘本的PDF+MP3 网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1X-Cc745VCbBAaO1ngp-prA ❀献花之前请检查链接是否有效噢❀
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