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<电视剧> 小谢尔顿 Young Sheldon Season 1,2 |
小谢尔顿 Young Sheldon Season 1&2
《小谢尔顿》是《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory) 的衍生剧,同时它也是一部单镜头喜剧。 主要讲述童年时期的谢尔顿 · 库珀(Sheldon Cooper)跟家人一同在德克萨斯州生活的故事。 小谢尔顿 Sheldon 的家人包括哥哥小乔治George ﹑异卵双胞胎姐妹米西Missy ﹑有宗教信仰的妈妈玛丽Mary Cooper, 以及酗酒的爸爸乔治George Cooper。另外Sheldon 还有外婆 ( Meemaw ) 及外公 ( Pop Pop ) ,外公在小谢尔顿 Sheldon 5岁时去世。 九岁的小谢尔顿 直接跳级高中,此时年纪尚幼的他虽然在功课上游刃有余, 但在生活阅历和情商比起这些高中生还差了很多, 除了看不惯同学们的奇装异服, 还各种挑剔老师在教学中出现的错误,闹得几个老师都觉得课上不下去。 此时身为父亲的乔治,只能提前告诉他成人世界的道理,他深知虽然儿子是对的, 但这个世界并不是人人都会遵守规则,也不是事事都会如人愿。 [ 英文简介 ] It's 1989 and 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper has skipped four grades to start high school along with his less-intellectual older brother, George. As he struggles to be understood by his family, classmates and neighbours, his mother Mary arms him with the best tool she can come up with: reminding bullies his dad George Cooper is the football coach and his brother is on the team. His twin sister Missy doesn't share his exceptional mind, but she has a much clearer vision of what life has in store for the young genius. 第24届美国评论家选择奖
[ That was the first time, ] [ I held my father's hand. ] 小谢尔顿 Young Sheldon Season1&2 网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/16rflY4hbC70IAiClYcVnHQ ❀献花之前请检查链接是否有效噢❀
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