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<迪士尼英语绘本> 小飞象Dumbo. PDF+MP3 |
小飞象 Dumbo 丹波 [ Dumbo ] 是马戏团的一只小象,因为样貌与众不同 — — 蓝色 的眼睛 和一双大得出奇的耳朵, 而遭到大家都取笑。 有一天,一个淘气的男孩子甚至作弄了丹波,象妈妈 十分生气,就教训了他一顿,因此被马戏团老板关进了笼子。 为了在马戏团立足,救出妈妈,丹波 必须马上学会一门拿手绝活。 四处学艺的它却又四处碰壁,心灰意冷之际全靠好朋友花狸鼠帝莫 [ Timothy ] 给了它鼓励和温暖。 小象丹波 决心振作起来,他在一群乌鸦的帮助下,经过不懈的努力终于学会了用自己那对超长的大耳朵飞行。 在一次小丑救火表演中,丹波 克服了胆怯、害羞等心理障碍,终于充满信心地呼扇着大耳朵飞了起来。 于是,丹波 出名了,他成了各大报刊争相报道的“小飞象”,成了人们心目中真正的明星。 A young circus elephant is born with comically large ears and given the cruel nickname Dumbo. One day at a show, he is taunted by a group of kids, inciting his mother into a rage that gets her locked up. After Dumbo's ears cause an accident that injures many of the other elephants, he is made to dress like a clown and perform dangerous stunts. Everything changes when Dumbo discovers that his enormous ears actually allow him to fly, and he astounds everyone at the circus with his new talent. 本资源含有《小飞象 Dumbo》英语绘本的PDF+MP3 网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1q1xA35nyFF0I5OnlI5zqMg ❀献花之前请检查链接是否有效噢❀
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